Discovery of California Gold Book

Book Information
Number of pages: 104
Publisher: S.D. Holland Publishing (©2012)
Language: English
Library of Congress Control No.: 2012909277
ISBN: 978-0-9830832-3-8
Dimensions L x W x H: 11.0 x 8.50 x .25 (inches)
Discovery of California Gold
More Precious Than Gold DVD & Educational activities
This book was developed by input from numerous teachers. It contains over 100 pages of augmentation to curriculum standards for the State of California Education System. The book was developed as a help in teaching the discovery of gold in California history with use of the More Precious Than Gold DVD. The 17 minute DVD was developed with the help of the Superintendent and staff at the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in Coloma, California, and given as a gift from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the State of California for the Sesquicentennial of the Discovery of Gold in 1998. The book is a perfect gift for your student’s favorite teacher or your area elementary school. It has also been very popular for families to use in family home evening.
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