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Looking for more resources? Here are some links to help you out.

The California Pioneer Heritage Foundation is the main sponsor for the annual  Greater Sacramento Area African American Family History Seminar .

The Life of a 49er in the California Gold Rush

Clarksville Region Historical Society
Preserving and protecting the rich history and heritage in the area of the El Dorado Hills, CA.

Mormon Battalion Association
The official site of the U.S. Mormon Battalion, Inc. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Battalion made the longest recorded march in military history.

Pioneers of San Bernardino

Ship Brooklyn Association
“To preserve the history of the ship Brooklyn.”

Sons of Utah Pioneers
Helps to keep alive the memory of the early Pioneers who came to Utah to settle the West.

Daughters of Utah Pioneers
Dedicated to honoring the names and achievements of the men, women, and children who founded Utah.

Pioneer Ways
Field Trips at Smith Ranch, Julian, CA.

The Rhoads School

The Gold Rush
Contains numerous sections relating to the discovery of gold.

America the Story of Us: Gold Rush Video

Mormon Battalion site receives California Historian award